Ecohome is one of the largest installers of WALLTITE® Eco! & Boreal Nature Elite - Two of the Best Spray Foam Insulations for Homeowners, Contractors & Businesses.
Highest Insulation Values from Sustainable Resources
Do you have a home or business that needs insulating? Ecohome Insulation specializes solely in spray foam insulation with the highest insulation value of any product on the market. Offering multiple benefits, spray foam insulating makes your Cape Breton home quiet, more comfortable and draft-free with improved indoor air quality. Our spray foam has the highest insulation value of any product on the market. Ecohome uses spray foam insulation manufactured from annually renewable resources.
We partner with suppliers who are always looking for innovative methods of using less energy, conserving natural resources, and promoting the use of recycled products.
We ensure our products are made in Canada, by Canadians, for Canadians.
Sustainable and Renewable Products
We use products with industry-leading percentages of recycled content and plant-based ingredients.
We are committed to environmental responsibility and proudly partner with suppliers who uphold the same level of commitment to our environment.
New Service: Injection Spray Foam!
Lower Energy Bills, More Soundproofing, Better Fireproofing, and No Insulation Settling Over Time!
Did you Know?
You Lose 80% of Your Heat to the Air.
You want more than high R-values – resistant to heat flow – when you want to save heat and the money you pay for it. R-value only measures the resistance of heat transfer through solid molecules – such as in walls or conventional insulation – as conduction. Conduction causes only 20% of a building’s heat loss. On the other hand, heat transfer by air molecules from hot to cold areas is called convection, and convection is responsible for the remaining 80% of a building’s heat loss.
Spray Foam Stops Heat Loss 95% - 99%.
Conventional fibre insulations resist heat loss by conduction, but only attempt to slow down convection by trapping air molecules. This air is free to move within and through conventional insulation. This means you lose insulation value. Plus fibre insulation increases your risk of damaging moisture problems like mould and mildew growth.
Ecohome Insulation stops heat loss and moisture buildup. The spray foam we use is a closed cell structure that does not allow air to enter, which stops heat loss by convection. Just a quarter inch will stop 99% of heat loss by convection and 3 inches will stop 95% of heat loss by conduction.
Spray foam is unaffected by cold weather.
As the temperature drops outside, convection currents speed up inside, and the conventional fibre insulation you may have doesn’t become more effective, but less. Studies have found that the R-value of fibre insulation is cut in half at -28 C.
You Can Lose Heat to the Wind or Save It
Your next enemy in the fight to save energy is wind. Wind causes pressure differences across your walls and draws code-approved vapour barriers toward the wall cavity. As a result, conventional fibre insulations compress. And studies have found this compression can decrease fibre insulation’s R-value up to 80%.
Spray foam is unaffected by wind. Book an appointment with Ecohome Insulation for an energy audit to learn how our spray foam can prevent heat loss at your new construction or renovation during our cold and windy Cape Breton winters.
Spray Foam Offers Fire Protection & Sound Proofing
Ecohome Insulation applies spray-on products that offer you the benefits of fire protection and nontoxic materials. Besides ease of application, spray foam insulation replaces the need for drywall or finishing a basement. Choosing half-pound foam gives you the added benefit of noise reduction because of its larger bubbles that trap sound. Soundproofing foam applies with nearly the same technique as denser two-pound foam.

The benefits of our spray foam insulation include:
Savings of 50% - 80% on energy bills
Not reactive with other elements – an inert product
Prevention of mould growth
Not attractive as a food source to rodents or insects
300% increase in shear & racking wall strength
Locally Manufactured
Made from Sustainable and Renewable Products

Quick & Efficient Basement Insulation
“A couple of years ago my husband and I bought an old home. It was pretty cold and drafty. We had done a lot of renovations in the past two years, but the one we noticed the most is when we had Scott and his men come to insulate our basement. Before they came, we had a blanket at the bottom of the basement door; it was very cold down there. Now the blanket is gone and the temperature down there is almost the same as the rest of the house. Our savings in fuel is about 30%. We were so pleased that we had them come a second time to do a couple more areas. The process is very quick and efficient. We do recommend Ecohome Insulation to everyone. Of all our renovations we have done, this is the one we are most pleased with because of the comfort we feel in our home and the savings we see in our pocket.”
— Edna, North Sydney, Nova Scotia
Courteous Service & Lower Heating Bills
“I am writing this letter to say thank you for the great change your company, Ecohome Insulation has made in my heating bill. Because of the insulation, you added to my home, our heating bill has dropped. Our home is built on a four-foot frost wall, and our floor was previously the only part of the basement which was insulated with fibreglass insulation. Your company suggested that we remove the insulation on the floor boards and spray foam the walls instead, which you did. And, may I say, the gentlemen were very courteous and neat while they were in our home. The process only took a couple of hours and the effects were immediate. Our floors are warmer and our home seems to hold its heat longer. Once again, I would like to say thank you to you and your company, Ecohome Insulation, for your professional work. I would recommend your company to everyone.”
- Tracey, Boularderie, Nova Scotia